Step by Step – How to Create an Azure Web Application with Azure App Service
Step by Step – How to Create an Azure Web Application with Azure App Services
In this article, we’ll learn the steps to ceate an Azure Web Application with Azure App Services. With click of few buttons we can create a Web Application in Azure by using Azure App Service. Azure Web Application is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) used to host the Web Applications.
Steps to create an Azure Web Application
1. To create a Web Application, go to On the top search bar search for “App Services” and click on “App Services“.
2. On the “App Services” page, click on Create and then click on “Web App“.
3. On the “Create Web App” tab :
- Select the name of the Azure Subscription, in which you wanted to create the Web App.
- Click on Create New to define the name of the Resource Group. Assuming we are creating Web App in the new Resource Group.
- In the Instance Details, define the name of the Web App.
- For Publish select Code
- For this example, select .NET 8 (LTS) for runtime stack.
- For Operating System, select Windows
- Region: East US
- For Windows Plan: Click on Create New and define the Name
- For Pricing Plan: Click on Explore Pricing Plans and select FREE F1

4. Click on next for Database, click on Next.
5. On the Deployment page, select Disable.
6. On the Networking page, ensure “Enable Public Access” is On. This would enable the Public Access for the Web App.
7. On the “Monitor + Secure” page select No for “Enable Application Insight” as this is only for testing and we don’t need ay monitoring at this point of time. In the futre blogs we’ll discuss about Application Insight in detail.
8. Click on next to define the Tag. Click next again.
9. On the “Review + Create” page review the details of the Web App and then click on Create to create the Azure Web App using App Services.
10. Copy the default domain URL to access the Azure Web App created by using Azure App Services

You can also use an Azure Application Gateway or Azure Front Door as the frontend for the Web App. It all depends on your solution and your customer’s requirements.