
Active Directory User Management – Windows Server 2012 R2

Active Directory User Management – Create User Account & Delete User Account

In this article, we’ll learn the steps to create User Accounts and steps to delete user accounts. User IDs are like the logon accounts that we create, in domain environment logon accounts are created on Domain Controller and in Workgroup accounts are created on local machines. Logon account created on Domain Controller can be used to logon to any computer that is part of the same domain. However User account created on workgroup machine can be used to logon to same machine, on which it is created and cannot be used to logon to any other machine.

1. Click on Start button and click on Administrative Tools.


2. From “Administrative Tools” select “Active Directory Users and Computers”.


3. In the console we’ll see all the Containers and Organizational Units. Select Users, it will show all the default users and groups that are created by default.


4. Right click on Users container. Select New, click on User.


5. New Object console will open. Type First name, Last name, Full name and logon name. Logon name is very important, it will be used to login to computers. In this practical, ABC.COM is a domain name. Click next.


6. In this window, type the Password used to login to Computer in Password and Confirm password fields. In addition to that there are certain options that you can select as per your requirement.

Must change password at next logon: This option will force to change the password when they first logon.

Cannot change password: User will not be able to change the password and will be forced to use the password set by Administrator

Password never expires: Normally in organization we use the policy of changing the password after few days. Once the password is expired, it will force to change the password. Password would not expire and will not force to change the password.

Accound is disabled: Account will be created by it will be disabled i.e. user will not be able to login until the account is enabled.


7. This window will show the detail of object that we are about to create. Click on back button if any changes are required else click on Finish button.


8. We can verify if the user is created or not.


How to delete user account in Windows Server 2012 R2- Domain Controller

1. Follow steps 1 to 3 from the create user in Windows Server section.

2. Select the user that you want to delete. Right click the object and select “Delete”.


3. A pop-up window will open ask the confirmation to delete the account. Click on Yes if you want to process with user account deletion.


In this post we only talked about the GUI mode to create and delete an account but you can also manage users from command prompt and PowerShell command.